Sunday, February 22, 2009

Short, Fast weekend

It was a very short weekend. Or at least it felt that way. My brother has been in the hospital since last sunday in ICU. The family is taking turns spending the days with him. Even though he is in a partial coma, he still knows we are there. The original plans for this weekend was going to be filled with sewing with my sister Jan.

So a change in plans, no big deal. Howver I did keep my reserved appt for the long arm on saturday morning. I was very please with how my fat quarter quilt turned out. I learn to meander on my quilt and I am very proud of how it turned out. I did forget my camera, so no pics to post. But the gal at the quilt shop was very nice and did take a picture of me and printed it out so I could take home. She is such a sweet lady and she has such a wonderful store. I do believe I need to add her web site to my favorites.

I was able to spend some time with my youngest daughter too. And I gave her the tote I made her, so now I can post the picture here since she has it already.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

BOM 11

This is BOM #11 and while it was easy, I don't care for it.
it just did not turn out well. As for the measurements, whether it was 1/2 inch of 1/16th doesn't matter, I can't cut well. I really think that is my problem. Nothing is coming out right for me. Some of the BOMs did and some didn't.

I really hope that there will be a begginers class someplace soon. I really need some work. Now here is the first months BOM from the Thimbleberries club. It is suppose to be a 12 inch square and three 6 1/2 inch squares. After taking it apart several times, it still measures out to 6 inch blocks. The big block did measure 12 though. I am working on the 2nd month's BOM and deceided to give up. It just is not turning out well. I think I need to give up for the night.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Better, but still not the best

Ok, I tried again. And again and again and again. I lost count of how many times I took these stars apart. I worked hard on them most of the day. The thought here is that with each fat quarter I get at our club meetings, I have enough to make two star blocks. And when the year is over I will have 24 and gotten alot of practice in.

They at least look more even, but the star points still need work. I measured and then re-measured. Oh man and don't get me started on the BOM #11. I hope to have it done by tomorrow when the next one comes out. I had to put it aside, cause I was messing up. I guess it just isn't my nite to do anything with stars.
I also worked on a secret surprise for my youngest daughter. I will get a chance to get together with her next weekend to give it to her. I giggled while working on it, cause it just reminds me of her. I was able to complete today as well, but I can't show you just yet. My youngest loves to read my blog, she already has been watching my BOM as it continues to grow, and it will be her wedding gift when completed. So I won't post a picture cause I don't want her to see it and ruin my surprise.
I have all day tomorrow yet to be able to complete the BOM and also get some more blocks done for the thimbleberries club. They are having a BOM as well, and I have January and February's BOMs to do. Just busy busy busy...................

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

I feel frustrated!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am really feeling frustrated!!!!!!!!
I joined this thimbleberries club at my local quilt shop. The meetings are once a month. One of the projects we are doing is at every meeting you receive a free fat quarter. You take it home and make a quilt square with it. The next month's meeting when you bring it back in you receive another free fat quarter to do it again.
Well let me tell you.....................................

The women there brought in the most beautiful squares of all colors and designs. And this is mine..........Kinda uneven wouldn't you say?
What was I thinking? How could I even think of bringing my work into that meeting with women who have been quilting for years and years and years. They just looked at my pathetic square and smiled and said, "you just need more practice dear" And I have been quilting for a year now. And I still am making a mess out of my material.
Well it is coming apart right now. I am pulling it all apart and starting over. I have another fat quarter to work on also for next month. This is going to take alot of practice.
I am sooooooooo ashamed!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Sunday evening

Wow, it certainly has been a long time since I blogged. I have been so busy I haven't even had time to sew............imagine that.

Here is the last baby quilt that I needed to finish. Got the binding on late this afternoon. I was able to finish the quilt top from the fat quarters pattern that I am using to practice on the long arm with. Need to pick up the backing yet, but I have until the 21st. That's when the plans are to go to Green Bay to practice on the long arm. I really am looking forward to that.
I have been so extremely busy, and every time I plan on sitting quietly in my sewing room just spending some quality sewing time, something comes up. Today it was Bill that interfered with my plans. Long story but at least I finished those errands and still had part of the afternoon left to finish this baby quilt. Hopefully I will have time to get that next BOM going.......