Here's Bill's quilt, finally done with label on. Here is Bill's quilt all wrapped for christmas. Yeah!!!! it's in the box and now on to other things.
Seems like I have been working on this quilt forever, sneaking around and working on it when he is gone. Now all my projects that I wanted done by christmas are done.
Ok, I worked on two more Bethelam blocks and I am on a break right now eating a salad and wondering why Bill hasn't called me yet. I mean you would think he would want to tell me how it is going so far right? And you would think that he misses me right? Hmmmmmmmm I think I will take that as a good sign. No news is good news.
BOM #7
I don't think I like it. Maybe it will grow on me, but something is wrong. It just doesn't look right. Here is all of the BOM's so far. The colors look so great together. Gosh for a while there I didn't think I was going to get a chance to get at this BOM. Time is getting pretty tied up lately for me, and with the holidays fast approaching, there is even less time. I have to finish Bill's quilt for christmas...................I think I will try to stay up late tonight to see how much I get done.
What a relaxing sunday. Very cool and rainy most of the day. But it was perfect for sewing. Bill was still gone and was not due to be home from his hunting weekend till later in the afternoon. So with a quiet house I got alot of work done. I finished up four more grocery totes for relatives for christmas. And then I found in my stash a pillow case kit that I bought at the quilt expo last month. I had to laugh at myself as I was sewing away on this dinosaur pillow case. Hopefully Ivan will be happy with this pillow case. Very easy to put together, my goodness it just took a matter of minutes. So here goes my mind again, thinking oh maybe I will have time to make a few more for the rest of the grandchilden in between everything else that needs to be done. I started a tablerunner that was in my stash too. I actually got the top done so maybe one night this week I will have time to sandwich it and quilt. This pattern also was very easy to do.
It certainly was a productive weekend. I manage to get the house cleaning done, all my errands done, some sewing projects done or started, and I managed to get some BBQ ribs cooking in the slow cooker so Bill had a nice big warm meal when he returned home.
The weekend went fast and monday will be here all too soon, and back to work we must go.