My goodness, it was a hot one today! 90 degrees out, so the best thing to do to beat the heat is to cool off with water. So that is exactly what we did today.
But that didn't really last that long. It was even too hot for that after awhile. It also is so much fun having the girls for the day, but I am so exausted by the end of the day too. These two wear you out.

Saturday it rained just about all day, and it made for a perfect day to stay in and get some sewing done. Here is a fleece pillow I made for my youngest grand daughter. She adores it.
And then I was able to get this cell phone pouch done for my girlfriend.

I had cut it out some weekends back and finally had the time to finish it up. Saturday certainly was the day for finishing up projects since I had the day to myself.

I was able to add another row on my scrap star quilt I am making for my oldest daughter. This quilt is put together with the fat quarters I receive once a month from the thimbleberries quilt club. Each fat quarter is used to make two star blocks and slowly I am using them for this quilt. I imagine I will be able to make two.

Then I worked on these four aprons for my grandchildren. Each year before christnas, we have a cookie making day, and I wanted to suprise them with these aprons on that day. My little bakers!

They went together very easily. Not too much to them at all......

Today was a baking day too. After we were done outside, the girls helped grandma in the kitchen. Since it was too hot to bake, I picked up a few cupcakes from the local store bakery for us to decorate.

These are monkey cupcakes. The picture in the magazine is what there were to look like. I think they did a excellent job. Don't you agree???????? The girls had a great time and as always grandma enjoys the time spent with them.
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