Monday, August 31, 2009
Beautiful fall weekend
Sunday, August 23, 2009
My Sunday, my day
What a relaxing day when you can do whatever it is you choose to do.
Well then I deceided to work on the 3rd sweet treat bag for one of my daughter's for christmas. Notice the pink. Yup, and I said I was so sick of it didn't I.
Unfortunetly I ran out of fusible fleece, and since it is my sunday and a jammie day, I wasn't about to go out to the store for the fusible fleece. It will have to wait.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Thoughts of sewing
Although, it was a lovely wedding and a wonderful break from housework and sewing. I still find myself thinking back to this past weekend...................hmmmmmmmmmm it was so beautiful.

I and my sister have a booth and we will be introducing that little town to the accomplishments of "We Stitch" My sister's embroidery business. It has really grown and she is becoming quite successful. I have agreed to do some trade shows for her. There is this one in September, and two more holiday shows in November. We will see how it goes.
I will post some pics on my site to give you an idea of the different items she makes that we will be selling.
Sunday, August 16, 2009
All the jitters and nerves, not to mention the organizational skills of my daughter are here and gone.
But what a wonderful day. The bride was beautiful, and yes Mom cried. But there were alot of other tears flowing from others as well.
It was a very long day for all of us, but once the wedding and pictures were done the rest of the afternoon and evening seemed to have flown by. A good time was had by all. The dinner, the dance and all of their guests were great.
And the biggest news of all is........................this is my last one to marry!!! So much for wedding plans in the future. LOL
And now, that makes three son in laws...................
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Moose quilt
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Babysitting Sunday
But that didn't really last that long. It was even too hot for that after awhile. It also is so much fun having the girls for the day, but I am so exausted by the end of the day too. These two wear you out.
And then I was able to get this cell phone pouch done for my girlfriend.
Friday, August 7, 2009
I think it's a slow week
First of all, there is the Relay for Life that is going on starting this afternoon and going until tomorrow morning. This is the town's biggest money raising event. And people from area cities come together to raise money for Cancer Research. I and my good friend go every year to show our support. We walk until usually around 10 or 11 at night, until our legs are so tired we can barely walk home.
The weather forecast is not so good this year and I am afraid the event won't be so successful. They are calling for some severe storms to start late this afternoon and go well into the evening. Oh well, we will have to bring unbrellas.
As for saturday, I have already alerted my friends and family that I want to be left alone. (the original plan was for the whole weekend, but I gave in to some obligations) I have a list going as to what I all want to accomplish tomorrow. I better get up bright and early to get started on it.
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
And the countdown continues
The wedding quilt is in the box and ready to be wrapped. This weekend the top priority is the bibs that the grandchildren will need for the dinner. They are all done except the miniture bride's. It is a bit long and needs to be cut back a little.

Here is grandma's little sweetie trying on the dress one last time before grandma hides it for fear of being ripped before the wedding. That's mom standing there being so proud and grandma peeking out from behind the mirror. I would say she is happy with the dress.
I was able to finish the bindings on two quilts last weekend with the help of my sis. One of these quilts is a birthday gift for my brother in law. So the evenings will be filled with the hand work now till September 12th when it needs to be done by. Not a problem.
My sewing is very relaxing for me, and that is the plan for saturday. I hope!
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Thomas the Train

I went to Green Bay to run my errands for the day and found myself in two different quilt shops. I couldn't pass up this Thomas the Train fleece. Seems like a silly thing to make in August, but these two little guys seem to love it.
I and my daughter whiped these two tied fleece blankets together in no time.
Sunday was a nice relaxing day. We went to the zoo and spent some time at the park playing on the huge jungle gym. (My god I am old) All in all it was a very relaxing day and everyone seem to be happy.
I still have some paperwork that needs my attention tonight, but for now I just am chilling.