Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Tuesday morning

Since it has been quite awile since I blogged, I thought I would just jot a quite note to my blog.

My brother is home from the hospital, and while it will be a slow recovery for him, he is on his way to getting back on his feet. This past weekend was very full with babysitting my two grand daughters, so the weekend went fast.

I am hopeing to get some sewing in this weekend, but first I need to shampoo this carpet. So that is on the top of my prioity list. The month of March's weekends have filled up for me. It seems I am always doing something or needed somewhere.

But my big news to look forward to this month is a visit to my sister's for 5 days up in Michigan. I am so looking forward to it. I leave early in the morning on the 11th. We are trying to learn a new project for our time together. A knitting loom. We are making socks. So far I am not doing well, but I have to keep practiceing. Will post more later on that.

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