My weekend started with good intentions. The plans were that I was going to spend the whole weekend in my sewing room working on the buggy barn quilt that was started with the class last weekend.
And then my sister called to ask if I would join her for lunch. She was visiting her daughter who lives about 76 miles from me. So I agreed to meet her half way. We had a great lunch and then after we ended up at a quilt shop. Well there went the budget. As if I don't have enough projects started I ended up buying some more. Primitive gatherings, what a wonderful shop.

So that kind of used up some of my time, seeing as I got home around 4 in the afternoon.
And today, I needed to get the weekly grocery shopping done. And I couldn't seem to get myself going this morning. I spent more time with my coffee then I should of, but I did manage to get going.
Later when I got home I made my DH a homemade coconut cream pie for his valentine's day surprise. Not much of a surprise since he requested it.
So it was after one before I got to sit down at the sewing machine to get any of those buggy barn squares done.

Out of 25 needed for the quilt, I got 13 done. Wish it would of been more, but I won't complain. It is 8:45 in the evening, and I am tired. Enough, bed early and work tomorrow....