I certainly hope everyone had a great christmas and received everything they had wished for.
Our christmas was very quiet. This year the children all had different plans and we couldn't get together. We have however, set a date for 12-31-09 to get together to exchange gifts and have dinner together. So I still have something to look forward to. All my grandbabies anxiously waiting for their gifts from Grandma and Papa.

But our two little girls did have a good christmas. Here they are opening their gifts. Or trying to. And then ofcourse there was fighting.

Zoey received a new coat and scraf from Santa, and she actually begs to wear it. She thinks she is going somewhere.

Since christmas was a quiet day for us, (Bill napped on the couch) I did get some sewing done. I worked on some baby bibs and also burp clothes. My nephew and his wife are expecting in Feburary of 2010 and next month will be her baby shower. I already have the baby quilt done.

And I finished up this Wizard of Oz quilt top. This quilt is a gift for Bill's niece who gradutaes from high school in the spring. So not a real hurry to finish it up. I will have some time to deceide how I will be quilting it.
And there you have it, our christmas. But it was nice, we enjoyed it. We were together, and we are healthy and that is all that counts................
Merry Christmas to all!!!!
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