Friday, February 4, 2011

The Quilt is getting there!

So I am making some progress with my Thimbleberries BOM from 2010. There is a series of blocks that need to be pieced and attached as the border on this quilt.
Here are some of those blocks.
I got Fourteen stars and four heart squares done. Still need to do 16 more tree squares and then I am ready to get the border on. Its friday nite, and I am feeling lazy, (so what else is new) and tomorrow will be another busy day.
I am going to see my girl friend in Chilton. She is wheel chair bound but doesn't let that stop her from learning how to quilt.
We need to stretch out and pin some of my quilt tops. She has a wonderful quilt frame that she inherited from her mother. So that will work fine, and at the same time give us some girl time. I need to take a look at her projects to see what kind of help she needs.
Should be a great day...........

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