Unbelievable what was accomplished this weekend!
It is soooooo quiet around here for the past three days. No tv, no radio, no one to talk to. Now some people might think this was a boreing three days. But not me.
The wash got done, the floors vacumm, funiture dusted, beds made, grocery shopping done, etc. etc. etc.
The hunting season leaves me alone alot until after thanksgiving. Just think of how much more accomplishments will get done yet before the end of the year. Not only housework but.............
ta da!!!!!!!! sewing was done!!!!
Lots and lots of sewing. I never watched the time, and stopped only for breaks and went to bed when tired.

Just look at what I accomplised. This is a tree skirt for my youngest daughter and her husband. I am very proud of this and I still have the quilting to do before it is cut and binded. It just looks so beautiful and I love the colors. This is my first attempt at making a tree skirt. One of the gals at my quilt club made one of these and on advice from her I deceided to give it a shot. She said it would only take an afternoon to do. How right she was, this pattern is out of the book "Gathering Friends" by kathryn Squibb & Deborah Jacobs. And it was a very quick project to do. At least up to now.

I also deceided it was time to takle that stash of mine. I don't know what it is that makes me save all the little pieces of materials that are left over from past projects. But when I can't contain it anymore it is time to clean. Really, I did throw some out.

I was also able to finsh this quilt top. This is where all the fat quarter blocks from my Thimbleberries club meetings. I sill have lots left over, this pattern only used 13 squares and it measures out to a 80 x 80 square top. A very nice scrap quilt.

Here is my fat quarter block from my october meeting. I finished two of these to take back to the next meeting to received my next fat quarter.

And these are my 10th BOM from the meeting. As always, one 12" and three 6" blocks. I am getting really excited to get this quilt done.
What a wonderful weekend. I don't get many of these. So I enjoy what I have.
.........And yeah honey. I missed you too.......!
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