My grandson's 5th birthday is next week. And he asked for a starwars helmet and a light saber. So grandma just finished his thought and made him a darth vader cloak to go with them all. Excuse the easter dress, the hanger was handy for draping the cloak and taking a picture.
Then I deceided I was going to organize my stash. I started it a couple weeks ago when I got the accu quilt cutter. But still a couple totes to go through. And what did I find????
These scrap blocks that I had started two years ago. I just packed them away for the day I was going to be able to sew them into a quilt. So ofcourse I had to stop what I was doing and get them sewed together. I had to! They were in the tote I was trying to organize. Now I don't have to worry about putting them back in the tote.......................
This quilt turned out pretty cool. Not bad. The first one probably could of matched more, but thast's why they call them scrap quilts. I feel like I got so much accomplished today.
And tomorrow will be spent in green bay with my daughter and son in law. They closed on their new home a couple days ago and now they want to paint before moving in. So mom said she would help. Or maybe be the sidewalk forman......